Marketing Strategy of Concentrate Fooder Product of Koperasi Susu Warga Mulya Yogyakarta


This research is aimed to identify the strength-weakness, and opportunity-threat of concentrate fooder product of Koperasi Susu Warga Mulya so that its recent position can be found out. By finding out the position of concentrate fooder product, marketing strategy based on conformity between internal situation (strength and weakness) and external situation (opportunity and threat) of Koperasi Susu Warga Mulya can be determined.

The method used was descriptive analysis research. Research data included primary and secondary data that are collected by interview, observation and recording. Analysis to internal and external environment used SWOT analysis ofRangkuti model (1997). Internal analysis identified strength and weakness factors compared with its competitor, while external analysis identified factors tahat being opportunity and threat of the company. By the SWOT analysis, it can be found out business position of the cooperation so that it can be determined the marketing strategy must be implemented From internal analysis result, the strength factors of Koperasi Susu Warga Mulya are product quality, license from Department of Animal Husbandry, human resources quality, product and price capacity, while it weakness factors and
Research and Development, promotion, distribution activity, raw material price and promotioan budget. From internal analysis result showed factors that can be opportunity are availability or raw material, the better understanding of livestock quality, while its threat factors are climate, new invention, rupiah fluctuation, same competitiors, and market price situation. From SWOT analysis resulted that Koperasi Susu Warga Mulya position on quadrant I by score of streangthweakness 0,73 and opportunity-threat 0,72. because of the company position, strategy must be implemented is growth-oriented strategy or intensive market development

Keywords : marketing strategy, concentrate product