Flat foot is a kind of defects on foot, where the sole of foot is seen flat, when getting a load. It is caused by the flatness of the medial longitudinal arch on the sole of foot, which results in the floor reaction force and the body weight force do not work in a linear line, so that the foot will easily feel painful when used for walk/ run. A method that can be used to treat the defect is by using orthopedic shoes.
Orthopedic Hospital Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso, Solo, as a national referral hospital, which takes care some problems related to orthopedic problems, has gotten so many orders of the orthopedics shoes. Nowadays, the products being produced has not been able to accommodate the needs and the desire of the patients, because the components in such shoes are not examined appropriately, for example the medial arch support components. This is shown by the determination of the height and weight of the medial arch support component, which is still based on the technical estimation of the producer, not based on the consideration of the reaction force and the reaction moment. As a result, there is some complaints arisen, which is expressed by the patients about the unfit feeling of the received orthopedic shoes. Hence, this study tries to give a designing proposal of medial arch support, based on a biomechanical analysis, which consists of an analysis of the body’s force and moment, the force and the load point on foot, and also the consumption of energy.
On the calculation, which is done on two selected samples of the victims of flat foot, it is resulted in the height and width values of the medial arch support are 3,336 cm and 3,478 cm for sample 1, and 3,003 cm and 3,130 for sample 2, which are different with the previous values, that are 2,5 cm and 4,4 cm for Sample 1, and 2 cm and 3,5 cm for sample 2. The examination of the medial arch support as the result of the planning is done by comparing it with the medial arch support of the sample shoes. The samples are required to walk on speed of 2,8 km per hours and 3,8 km per hours on a treadmill, by using shoes without the medial arch support, by using the old medial arch support and by using the medial arch support as the result of the designing. From the results of the observation, on the research without medial arch support, sample 2 was only able to cover a shorter distance, whereas sample 1 was able to cover the same distance as the other two researches by using medial arch support. This happens because sample 1 has begun to form medial longitudinal arches on his feet, this assumption is strengthened by the results of observation on the consumption of energy, where sample 1 does not show any differences on the amount of energy consumed on the three experiments, which are without medial arch support, by using the old medial arch support and by using the medial arch support as the result of the designing. By summarizing the whole result of this study, it can be concluded that this planning proposal can be used to determine the height and also the width of the medial arch support, although it still needs a further examination to get a more accurate planning result.
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