Análisis semiótico-comunicacional de la publicidad de United Colors of Benetton

Presidente: Lic. María del Carmen López Brun Secretario: Mtro. Angel López Juárez Vocal y irector: Mtra. Martha Elena Baez Martínez

The Face Detector system of Humankind to Citra Digital

Detector the face (face detection) was one of the beginning stages that was very important in the introductory system to the face (face recognition) that was used in the identification biometrik. The detection of the face could be also used for the search or pengindeksan the face data from the image or the video that contained the face with various measurements, the position, and the background. In this research diimplementasikan the detection system of the face that used the network of nerves of the imitation of the multi-layer perceptron and the Quickprop algorithm.

The detection system of the face received his detection capacity by means of learning from the example (learning by examples). The training was carried out with the method active learning to minimise the number of datas that was used for the training. Results of the research showed that the accuracy from the detection system of the face really depended on the number and the data kind that were used in the training. The Quickprop algorithm and the technique active learning could be made use of to help sped up the process of the training.


Quality Management implementation– including Six Sigma – in an organization is not easy. Every organization has its unique characteristics, so that a successful method in an organization does not always fit for another organization. Each organization needs to tailor its Quality Management implementation process.

Further more, the implementation always involve a Management of Change, so that the implementation stages need to be managed through the introduction, adoption, adaptation, and implementation stages. This research is aimed at identifying and analyzing factors that support the Quality Management implementation using Six Sigma strategy. A case study has been conducted in PT. General Electric Lighting Indonesia (GELI). This research use implementation model based on organizational change theories. This implementation model consists of three dimensions, i.e. context (organizational behavior in performing continuous improvement), content (leadership, policy and strategy, people management, resource management and process management), and process (change and learning). Dimensions of context, content, process and thus interrelationships are analyzed for all stages (introduction, adoption, adaptation, and implementation stages). Level of quality achievement during
implementation of Six Sigma is analyzed using the DQA method.

The result concludes that context, content and process in an organization are interrelated and effects at implementation of Six Sigma. Through implementation of Six Sigma, achievement at system orientation does not guaranteed, due to limitations in context, content and process, especially for PMA enterprises such as GELI. This research concludes the supporting factors are (1) management commitment in every stage of implementation process, (2) learning in adaptation and implementation stage, (3) training process in introduction stage, (4) support from Six Sigma agents and (5) communication facility in adaptation stage, and the important factors in implementation stage are (6) organizational structure of Six Sigma, (7) organization policy, (8) people involvement, (9) DMAIC consistency and (10) teamwork in process management, (11) resource management and (12) quality awareness.

Keywords: Six Sigma, Context, Content, Process

Planning the Robot Modular Nirkabel of the motive System was based on Web

The robot modular nirkabel based web consisted of three module units, that is the main module (played the module), the acquisition module of the data (acquisitions the module) and the module of the data processor (processing the module).

This concept enabled the creation of the robot's integrated system and had good flexibility from the aspect of the modification of hardware and software especially for the process of data processing. This robot was aimed as the media in the process of the grating and the control by the user through the based network web. In the Task of this End the writer of the focus in the motive system, the control of the motivator and monitoring through web that was the part in the main module.

The main module consist of mainboard the robot to place the operation system, the service web and software the other supporter. As the prototype was drafted by the system that consisted of two wheels of the independent's motivator and one free wheel who could be controlled through web for the combination of the advance, retreated, kekiri, kekanan and stopped. A camera was used to monitor Medan that was passed through by him.

The method is developed as Decision Support System (DSS)

PT. RMC is company based on make to order which producing ready mixed concrete. In material control, PT. RMC has not applied a certain ordering method yet. Giving letter of delivery and job-mix to logistics department close to production execution time make logistics department cannot determine requirement of material. Beside that, logistics department works based on work instrument and manual recording so that there are still found many problems which effect on pile up or shortage.

It needs a method which can provide the decision about material ordering time and quantity so that result minimum total inventory cost. The method is developed as Decision Support System (DSS). It uses Material Requirement Planning concept (MRP) with daily phased. Determining economic ordering lot size uses static Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) with safety stock (SS). DSS determine Q order if inventory decrease until reach Reorder Point (ROP). With DSS, input and edit data become easier than before.

In validation, the proposed method is compared with the current method that result the total inventory cost of proposed method lower than current method. The cost reduction is 10,31 % or Rp. 23.351.790,97439 per month.

Keywords : Inventory, Decision Support System, MRP, EOQ.


Cane furniture is one kind of export category from Indonesia especially from Sukoharjo, one of premier product is cane living set with main material for producing are natural resources such as mahogany wood, rattan, peel, water hyacinth, banana leaf, and sea grass. This product special for export market, many solutions to develop cane living set with purposed to company survive and compete to competitors.

The improvement that is purposed to meet the consumer’s needs, wiil push the company to create an effort in getting the best solution, so its product is able to compete with others. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is an activity to desain a process as the conception of costumer’s needs. QFD collects the marketing skill, technical engineerning, and manufacturing, therefore the product designed will satisfy the costumer’s needs surely. While the decision to take the chosen alternative solution in product design prosses using weighted objectives score.

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a method used in design and development cane living set research. In this method, design and development based on the voice of customer. The result of design and development is Frame combine of mahogany wood and rattan, strike back type, with sea grass cane, full cane of table and seat, consist of 1 sofa 2 seats, 2 single seat and a major table, with combine of ornaments, with cane of table surface, colouring using melamine, included installation guide. It is hope, that this cane living set be able to accommodate the user’s need and want.

Key word : Cane living set, Quality function deployment


Flat foot is a kind of defects on foot, where the sole of foot is seen flat, when getting a load. It is caused by the flatness of the medial longitudinal arch on the sole of foot, which results in the floor reaction force and the body weight force do not work in a linear line, so that the foot will easily feel painful when used for walk/ run. A method that can be used to treat the defect is by using orthopedic shoes.

Orthopedic Hospital Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso, Solo, as a national referral hospital, which takes care some problems related to orthopedic problems, has gotten so many orders of the orthopedics shoes. Nowadays, the products being produced has not been able to accommodate the needs and the desire of the patients, because the components in such shoes are not examined appropriately, for example the medial arch support components. This is shown by the determination of the height and weight of the medial arch support component, which is still based on the technical estimation of the producer, not based on the consideration of the reaction force and the reaction moment. As a result, there is some complaints arisen, which is expressed by the patients about the unfit feeling of the received orthopedic shoes. Hence, this study tries to give a designing proposal of medial arch support, based on a biomechanical analysis, which consists of an analysis of the body’s force and moment, the force and the load point on foot, and also the consumption of energy.

On the calculation, which is done on two selected samples of the victims of flat foot, it is resulted in the height and width values of the medial arch support are 3,336 cm and 3,478 cm for sample 1, and 3,003 cm and 3,130 for sample 2, which are different with the previous values, that are 2,5 cm and 4,4 cm for Sample 1, and 2 cm and 3,5 cm for sample 2. The examination of the medial arch support as the result of the planning is done by comparing it with the medial arch support of the sample shoes. The samples are required to walk on speed of 2,8 km per hours and 3,8 km per hours on a treadmill, by using shoes without the medial arch support, by using the old medial arch support and by using the medial arch support as the result of the designing. From the results of the observation, on the research without medial arch support, sample 2 was only able to cover a shorter distance, whereas sample 1 was able to cover the same distance as the other two researches by using medial arch support. This happens because sample 1 has begun to form medial longitudinal arches on his feet, this assumption is strengthened by the results of observation on the consumption of energy, where sample 1 does not show any differences on the amount of energy consumed on the three experiments, which are without medial arch support, by using the old medial arch support and by using the medial arch support as the result of the designing. By summarizing the whole result of this study, it can be concluded that this planning proposal can be used to determine the height and also the width of the medial arch support, although it still needs a further examination to get a more accurate planning result.

Key words : flat foot, medial arch support, designing, biomechanical


PT. Primissima was a company that was involved in textile where the requirement would the quality of the thread as the main raw material that also was produced personally it was felt very important. The decline in the quality of the thread significantly that was experienced in the period for the last 4 months (in May s/d in August 2004) gave the impact of the negative for perusahan, especially from the aspect of the customer's satisfaction. The analysis towards the stability and the capability the process must be carried out to prove and clarify the existence of the problem especially in the process that took place.

The analysis was carried out by using the Six Sigma method that was begun with identified the requirement for the customer, mapped the requirement for the customer inside karekteristik the technical quality (CTQ), determined the place of this CTQ priority was based on the level of the interests and the customer's satisfaction, as well as measured the value sigma, the stability and the process capability against CTQ that was in the place of the highest priority. Results of the research that it was stressed to CTQ the unevenness of the thread as the place of the highest priority showed that, with the value sigma the unevenness of the thread of 4,07 sigma, the process was in the condition was more unstable and despite the instability and the inability of this process.

The proposed improvement and the control were also given in this research. The key word: the thread, CTQ, the unevenness of the thread, thought sigma, the stability of the process, the process capability.


TELKOM’s telecommunication services was built on a physical network which connect TELKOM with their costumers. The problem on this physical network is the high number of metal cable local network failures. To describe the problems and determine problem elimination priorities, then failure record analysis become initial step of the problem solving.

Papadopoulos (2004) has developed system analysis method by combining the FTA and FMEA methods. Generally, the combining method consist of FTA step and FMEA step. On this research, FTA step is used to describe the metal cable local network problem, and FMEA step is used in term to determine problem elimination priorities based on their Risk Priority Number (RPN) value. Severity, occurence and detection is used to find the RPN value. The FTA step is found 13 basic events of metal cable local network failure mode, and then this 13 basic events is prioritized by FMEA methods. The problem elimination priorities are: environment disturbances; other institution’s activities; human’s activities; animal’s activities; poor in quality installation; poor in material condition; telephone’s component failures; remote pairgain failures; telephone’s string failure; uncontrollable voltages; sentral’s failures; fuse/aristor failures; unstable power.

Environment disturbances is the main factor of metal cable local network failure mode because of their severity, occurences and detection level. As the solution, TELKOM should eliminate this primary problem to reduce the number of metal cable local network failure. Beside that, attention should be focussed by TELKOM in term of other institution activity occurences which still cause metal cable local network failures.

Key words: failure analysis, Jarlokat, FTA method, FMEA method, basic event, RPN value.


Working environmental quality such as noise, temperature and illumination that is appropriate to the human conditions as a worker will support human performance and work productivity. The noisy sound, high temperature and low illumination in work place is one of sources that derived a work stress, productivity decreases and it could cause the disease. In this research explores the analysis of the optimum setting for the noise (80 dB, 77 dB, 80 dB), temperature (18°C, 24°C, 34°C) and illumination (155 lux, 200 lux, 300 lux) to optimize manually envelope folding jobs productivity.

The analysis that will be implemented here is design experiments factorial method to determine the significant factors that influence manually envelope folding jobs productivity. Also, the response surface method will be applied to obtain the approximation model for manually envelope folding jobs productivity as a function of the factor found earlier so that the most optimum result can be obtained under a design optimization method.

According to the experiments results and analysis that the significant factors for manually envelope folding jobs productivity are noise and temperature, whereas the illumination factor(155 lux, 200 lux, 300lux) are not influence significantly for manually envelope folding jobs productivity . The optimum conditions of those factors to optimize manually envelope folding jobs productivity are 26,79°C for temperature and 63,49 dB for noise. This optimum conditions increase the productivity from 2,50 envelope/minute to 2,86 envelope/minute.

Key Words: productivity, experiments design, factorial design, response surface


The inventory system was a very complex problem if being affected by stochastic demand and leadtime. There were several available models for the case of multi depot multi sales location, all of them did not consider the variation of leadtime where leadtime was regarded as deterministic. In the real condition, leadtime is almost always changing depended on condition in the field. Leadtime that always changed was very influential towards the value of safety stock because the higher the variation of leadtime, the bigger the safety stock needed. Based on this condition, then this research tried to adopt several available models but by considering the variation of leadtime.

The inventory system that will be discussed in this research was the inventory system of single depot multi sales loc
ation that afterwards will be continued to multi depot multi sales location. To complete this problem, it was made a
model that was divided into two stages. The first was the model for the single depot multi sales location distribu
tion system through the heuristic approach using the stochastic dynamic programming method and the second was the
model of multi depot multi sales location. The aim of this model was to look for the optimal base stock level and
allocation that minimize the total distribution cost. The distribution cost consisted of the inventory holding cost,
backordering cost, transportation cost, and pipeline handling inventory cost.

Analysis of this model was done in two stages, that are the validation stage and the comparative stage.
The validation stage consisted of the sensitivity analysis and the numeric example for the case of 2 depots
4 sales locations. The comparative stage was done by comparing the beginning model that used
deterministic leadtime to the developed model that used stochastic leadtime. Using the results of the
analysis could be concluded that the size of base stock level and the allocation of the developed model are
bigger than the beginning model.

Keyword :periodic review inventory, multi depot multi sales location distribution system stochastic dynamic programming method.

Scheduling for the Supplier Arrival by considering Sumber Daya Terbatas in serving Proses Unloading Material (the Case Study in PT. XYZ)

This article was aimed to study about supplier arrival scheduling problem at a materials handling and unloading place by considering resources constraint to serve it. The problem is modeled into serial structure multi projects scheduling to minimize total actual flowtime (makespan). In this case, each supplier is assumed to pass several sequenced material handling steps. Each step represents an activity that uses the same kind and quantity of resource during certain time interval. Integer linear programming is used to solve this problem. Final schedule show that total actual flowtime of all unloading activities is lower than available time. Thus, it is possible to add several suppliers to increase resource utilization. Sensitivity analysis also shows that one unit reduction of docks, inspectors, and handpalets is feasible solution to increase resource utilization.