The subject of the research was the Head of the Muhammadiyah SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 Yogyakarta and the Head of the SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 4 Yogykarta the year 2006/2007. The quantitative data collection was carried out with the poll, whereas the qualitative data collection with the deep interview, observation, and the documentation. The poll was aimed at all the teachers under subject leadership of the research. In this case was not done penyampelan. The quantitative data results of the poll were analysed with did pensekoran, tabulation, the average, and giving of the predicate qualitatively. Further, was carried out by the netting of the data with the qualitative method. These findings were used to explain the quantitative data findings. The legality inspection of the data was carried out with trianggulasi the source of the data and the method of the data collection. Technically the analysis of the qualitative data.
Results of the research showed that pengimplementasian leadership partisipatif the Head of the Muhammadiyah SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 Yogyakarta and the Head of the SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 4 Yogyakarta including the category were good with the score average 121.61 and 113.40. Pengimplementasian leadership partisipatif showed that: 1) in the matter of decision making, the head of the Muhammadiyah SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 Yogyakarta including the category was good with the score average 28.80. In practice tended to give priority to empowerment of the subordinate in the task resolution. In the meantime, the Head of the SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 4 Yogyakarta also including the category were good with the score average 26.52, but rather gave priority to the bureaucratic procedure. Meetings that were carried out were used to stress the line of the co-ordination with the subordinate. 2) in the matter of the communication channel and the communication channel, the Head of the Muhammadiyah SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 Yogyakarta including the category was good with the score average 29.57. The principal already mengondisikan the channel and his communication channel of multi-direction communication variatif. In the meantime, the head of the SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 4 Yogyakarta more gave priority to the communication channel through brifing so as his communication channel tended a direction. The achievement of his score average was 33.49 so as including the good category. 3) .Dalam the matter of the development and empowerment of the teacher including.