Eva Martina Afriana, NIM : I 0302001. THE RE-LAYOUT OF SOUDAN BIRD CAGE ENTERPRISE, SOUDAN, SURAKARTA. Thesis. Surakarta : Industrial Engineering Faculty, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, October 2006.


“Manunggal” bird cage enterprise, located in Soudan Surakarta, is one of the manufactured enterprise that produces bird cages of raw material from which teaks and “Apus” bamboos in Soudan, Surakarta. The tight competition in producing bird cages demands the enterprise to do better in satisfying consumers. By determining a recent competitors, it is expected that the enterprise can make a good purpose of quality production through the smooth production activity. One of important factor from that purpose is material handling that determined by the current materials in the production process. That activity causes material handling cost and the movement of material distance. The condition of its location that does not appropriate to the layout criterion causes the security and the performance of workers, the current material good production than influences half finished product and finished product cause the obstruction toward material handling traffict.

The first evaluation and design toward the factory location is by using manually travel chart method or from to chart and distributed by software quant system. The purpose is to minimize the material handling seen from the distance and the cost of material handling. From the description above, it can be concluded that there are three layout alternatives that have smaller distance and material handling cost that before. The next step is to elect the best layout based on the consideration of the distance and optimal material handling cost; the nearness of the first operation with the acceptance, the nearness of the last operation with the dispatch. By using performance layout, it reduces 38,77% of the radius material handling and 47,06% of material handling cost retrenchment.

Key words : re-layout of enterprise, from to chart, distance of material handling, cost of material handling