Each of the company want the advantages of the large-sold of the product to the customer, with the expenses of a small-company benefit as big. This also applies to manufacturing companies such as PT Indogravure. PT Indogravure produce product packaging fleksible (Flexible Packaging) and is the first company that produces Foil Laminated Alumunium, Polycellonium, Polycello, Polypanium following pencetakannya foil. The author conducted in all parts of the production printing and the quality of the product company. Authors also make the data directly in order to obtain actual data that is used to help PT Indogravure to search for the solution of the problems that occur.
For manufacturing companies, the production process is a process that most do. This will be the cost to the issued by the company to do the manufacturing process. Cost will be a great disadvantage because it costs companies as much as possible in order not to be causing damage that a bad impact to the company, but the cost of this emphasis should not harm the welfare of factory employees, the cost of the emphasis that can be done with the product that failed. Reduction in the number of products that failed the level would be great for the company, because the company does not need to spend that is not useful due to the failure of production, while the company is high production level of failure will be more losses than just in terms of the cost, consumers will feel the results by dikecewakan product demand and failed to replace the loss of production in the company.
The companies generally know when a loss occurs in the persuhaan is, with the dots to know where the production of errors then it can be useful to do in order to prevent failure in the middle of production does not continue. In this case PT Indogravure have been doing prevention of product failure by providing additional cost to the consumer to cover the cost of production failure that has been done. Production system will be proposed when the failure occurred on the product produced.
For manufacturing companies, the production process is a process that most do. This will be the cost to the issued by the company to do the manufacturing process. Cost will be a great disadvantage because it costs companies as much as possible in order not to be causing damage that a bad impact to the company, but the cost of this emphasis should not harm the welfare of factory employees, the cost of the emphasis that can be done with the product that failed. Reduction in the number of products that failed the level would be great for the company, because the company does not need to spend that is not useful due to the failure of production, while the company is high production level of failure will be more losses than just in terms of the cost, consumers will feel the results by dikecewakan product demand and failed to replace the loss of production in the company.
The companies generally know when a loss occurs in the persuhaan is, with the dots to know where the production of errors then it can be useful to do in order to prevent failure in the middle of production does not continue. In this case PT Indogravure have been doing prevention of product failure by providing additional cost to the consumer to cover the cost of production failure that has been done. Production system will be proposed when the failure occurred on the product produced.